Regal and Just

Apart from Moses and Samuel who held both positions of being prophet and judge, Deborah was the only woman who held such positions simultaneously in Israel. Who would have thought. There were twelve judges in the Old testament and Deborah stood tall as the only woman . Deborah was called upon by God to deliver Israel. It is quite impressive that even thousand of years ago, the commander of the army was a woman. To be inspired by a woman of great stance whom we continue to read about and study to believe that that it is possible to be…

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Two split in a pod

Mary and Martha always seemed to work in harmony . Being close as sisters should but there seems to be division of interests at certain times. Not sure if that is how they were before their brother Lazarus fell sick and died before he was called back to like by Jesus Christ. I always wonder if that event made Martha feel celebration and cooking was the most important at the time or Mary was more marvelled at Christ and wanted to soak in every word while learning and wondering how blessed she is to be learning at the saviour in…

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What makes you, you?

Once in a lifetime one comes across that person that moves you with their strength Pushes you with their kindness Extracts something great from you To see with their positivity. They are there so you feel you are walking on clouds When they are present, you think deep of you. You probably never knew you. You recognise you in what they draw out of you. Because of their being, you ask questions about yourself. Though it is about you, you cannot relate it to you. It is unrecognisable.

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